

  • Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms; chronic cases may develop pulmonary...
  • See rusts.
  • This mitosporic fungus (spores develop by means of asexual cell division) is included in the classification group "Hyphomycetes". At this...
  • The means by which molds reproduce. Spores are microscopic (2-100 micrometers) and various shapes. Distribution can be accomplished by a...
  • Reported to be allergenic
  • A mitosporic fungal genus of the classification group "Hyphomycetes". At this time, no information is available concerning Sporoschisma allergenicity or...
  • The species Sporothrix schenckii can cause sporotrichosis, but usually only in individuals that are immune compromised. Sporotrichosis is a chronic...
  • Reported to be allergenic. Additionally, Sporotrichum pruinosum has been observed in the respiratory secretions of some human patients, indicating a...
  • Aw - 0.94 , optimum Aw ->0.98. Several strains of this mold (S. atra, S. chartarum, and S. alternans are...
  • This genus is included in the taxonomic designation "Hyphomycetes". It is a known allergen, causing Type I allergies (examples: hay...

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